Water Rates & Fees

Listed below, you will find the rates for standard sized meters, per 1,000 gallons. Example: 2,000 gallons of water used during the Green/Normal time of the year would cost $1.66 exculuding the base rate.

If you do not find the information that you need, please contact our office and we will be happy to provide it for you.

Rates are currently set for the Drought Condition: NORMAL.


Green - Normal

Tiers change to reflect mandatory usage reduction.

Yellow - Severe

Orange - Extreme

Red - Exceptional

0 - 7,000 gallons

 $          0.83

0 - 6,000 gallons

 $          1.25

 $               1.45

 $               1.66

7,001 - 15,000

 $          1.52

6,001 - 14,000

 $          2.28

 $               2.66

 $               3.04

15,001 - 20,000

 $          2.24

14,001 - 19,000

 $          3.36

 $               3.92

 $               4.48

20,001 and above

 $          2.75

19,001 and above

 $          4.13

 $               4.81

 $               5.50

** Classifications determined from:
          Utah Division of Natural Resources / Water Resources 
** Green Color Code includes classifications of none, abnormally dry and moderate drought.


Standard Residential Service Rates

Monthly Minimum:
Water Included w/ Minimum Bill:
$ 10.84
0 / gallons

Our community's water meters are read each month. Please contact our office for any additional information.

Connection & Impact Fees

Beginning 5/29/2023, Impact Fees will be assessed based on the number of ERC's per property. For commercial pricing or a meter size above a standard 3/4" x 5/8", please contact Matt at 801-621-0474 ext 207 or matt@bonavistawater.com.

Please note that proof of secondary water must be provided before connection fees will be accepted.

Fees can be paid with a check, cashiers check, money order or credit card (3.25% card fee applies).
3/4" x 5/8" (Standard Residential) $4,267.04

Impact & Connection Fees (Effective 5/29/2023)

Meter Size Connection Fee Impact Fee
1"  $                521.33  TBD 
1 1/2"  $                867.89  TBD 
2"  $             1,059.31  TBD 
3"  $             3,112.83  TBD 
4"  $             3,924.80  TBD 
6"  $             6,334.76  TBD 
6" Protectus  $            15,578.75  TBD 
8" Protectus  $            20,040.00  TBD 
** Per Resolution 01-2023  

Plan Review Fees

Plan review fees are based on the type (residential or commercial) and size of the project. There is a base rate for each type of project plus an additional fee per acre or per lot.
Residential Project $450.00 plus $75 per lot
Commercial Project $1,000.00 plus $300 per acre
Residential Minor Subdivision $150.00

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